Photo Credit: Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis
Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis

Editor’s Note: Rebbetzin Jungreis, a”h, is no longer with us in a physical sense, but her message is eternal and The Jewish Press will continue to present the columns that for more than half a century have inspired countless readers around the world.

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Why is Israel demonized all over the world?

Perhaps a more puzzling question is: Why has Israel has done such a dismal PR job of making its case to the international community?

How is it that Jews, who are otherwise so literate and articulate, seem absolutely inept at imparting to the world the glorious history and priestly calling of our nation?

Who, if not we, should be able to address the nations of the world and communicate our true essence?

No matter how noble Israel’s intent, no matter how caring its soldiers may be, the most outrageous accusations are leveled against the country. If it weren’t so tragic, it would be laughable. There is nothing Israel can do that is right. No matter that Israel tries to accommodate its Arab citizens and neighbors; no matter that Israeli Arabs enjoy greater freedoms and benefits than their brethren in any neighboring Muslim country. Israel is still portrayed as a warmongering apartheid nation.

It matters little that Israel is always among the first responders whenever and wherever there is a world crisis – tsunami, earthquake, etc. Israel’s outreach goes unrecognized and most often is rejected.

I recall when, many moons ago, Israel attained statehood and was in its infancy. I remember the first Israeli ships that docked in New York Harbor and the elation and celebration with which Israeli sailors were greeted. I recall when soldiers from the various branches of the IDF visited New York. Everyone vied to host them, honor them, and pay them tribute. They were heroes who reminded the world that David was still capable of defeating Goliath, that the ancient dream had been realized, that the Bible had come alive. After almost 2,000 years of non-stop persecution and oppression, the Jewish people had returned to their homeland.

And then, as if overnight, everything changed. After a brief respite following the Holocaust, anti-Semitism once again began to spread. The new anti-Semites of the late 20th and early 21st centuries have made their venom palatable by exchanging anti-Jewish sentiment for anti-Israel feeling. In a world where racism in polite society is anathema, overt Jew-baiting is politically incorrect. So the new anti-Semites loudly proclaim that they have nothing against Jews. It is Israel, the Zionist entity, that is the problem.

Incredibly, many Jews happily buy into this lie and comfort themselves with the thought that the world has matured and anti-Semitism is no longer a factor. Israel is the villain, and that has nothing to do with anti-Semitism. So it is that we find many Jews joining, and in many cases even leading, those who denounce Israel in the most vituperative terms.

So again, how can we understand this insane wave of hatred against Israel and Israel’s inability to present itself to the world in its true prophetic light?

The question is all the more perplexing when you consider that radical Muslims are terrorizing the world. And yet instead of identifying the scourge for what it is, it is all whitewashed. The words “Islamic terror” are virtually off-limits to progressives and liberals of all stripes.

The irrationality of that which is unfolding before our eyes boggles the imagination, but it also should imbue us with strength, for it reminds us that we are living in pre-Messianic times and that our only solution can come from Hashem.

Only if we turn to Him, only by assuming our G-d given roles and living by the Torah, will we bring an end to the surreal and frightening situation that envelops us.

If our leadership has failed to present Israel in its true light, it is because, sadly, they are not familiar with that light. Alas, they can no longer recall that light of Torah Hashem kindled in our neshamos at Sinai.

The founder of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, believed that once the Jewish people were settled in their own land and a nation like all other nations, anti-Semitism would cease to exist. But today, that homeland has become the prime cause of anti-Semitism. Who would have believed it?

The answer to this, as well as to all our other challenges and dilemmas, is found in the Torah.

Rashi, the great commentator, wrote that G-d commences the Torah with the creation of the world rather than with the giving of the Commandments so that when the nations accuse Israel of taking the Holy Land by force, our response is that G-d created the world. It belongs to Him, and in His infinite wisdom He deeded the land to the Jewish people for all eternity.

Until such time as our Israeli representatives make that proclamation to the world, anti-Semitism camouflaged as anti-Zionism will prevail.

So simple – and yet so difficult if you do not know Hashem and His Torah.


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