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Talk about Ups and Downs. Tune in to today’s show if you want to know what its like to celebrate Israel’s independence. On today’s Israel Independence special I will be speaking about the Israel Roller-coaster Reality. Every year in Israel we mark the Holocaust Memorial Day a week apart from the Israel Memorial Day for the fallen soldiers of the IDF and the victims of terror and then we celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut – Israel Independence Day.

Later on in the show I will be speaking about the challenges of establishing new Jewish towns in Shomron and Judea. Fifty years after this region has been liberated by IDF we still don’t have one clear policy on its future. Setting facts down on the ground has proven to be a path to forming that policy. Here too we experience ups and downs. Towns like Amona have been destroyed and their residents cooped up in school dorms instead of homes.


Is homestead farming going to be the new phase in development of Jewish growth in Judea and Samaria. I’ll be talking about a brand new initiative at Tapuach West in Shomron. Check out their website and join their facebook group

A Hebrew in the Heartland 02May2017 – PODCAST

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