Photo Credit: Tomer Neuberg / Flash 90
Ukrainian Jewish olim arrive at Ben Gurion airport, February 20, 2022.

Iran has threatened that an attack on the Jews, is coming soon, and maybe not just in Israel.

* The White House invites Israel’s ‘opposition leaders’ for talks, while hoping Netanyahu’s government will be forced to go to new elections.


* The Hamas fabricates its number of casualties, by counting all sorts of civilian deaths. In addition, “a significant number of fatalities who Hamas claims are ‘children’ are in fact combatants.” Read more here:

* Thousands of Jews move to Israel in spite of the war situation. Is anti-Semitism the reason for this record number since Oct. 7th and the outbreak of the war?

-Tamar hosts her weekly guest: Dr. Mordechai Ben-Menachem, commentator on mid-east and world issues, and author of the book: Muslim Winter

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