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On Sunday afternoon, terrorists in Gaza decided to launch rockets into Israeli communities. One rocket hit in between two homes in the town of Sderot. No one was physically injured, but a toll is taken on the civilians.

When will it stop? What does Israel need to do to put an end to these attacks, and what is it like to live on under rocket and mortar fire? Hadassa DeYoung, a former resident of Gush Katif who lived for years under rocket and mortar attacks, talks about the realities of being under fire.


Also, Shifra Hoffman from and talks about Israel’s leaders paying Turkey huge sums of money just to establish normalized relations.

And last, counter-terrorism expert Gadi Adelman joins Tamar and talks about his new show debuting on INTR this week called, “The Danger Zone!” You won’t want to miss it.

Tamar Yonah Show 21Aug – PODCAST

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