Photo Credit: pixabay

The: Fake claim that the Lebanon Border agreement is a win for Israel. We handed over a part of our territorial waters, which is no different from surrendering land. Lapid has no mandate. Hezbollah won.

World: Leaders have no business to tell us who should be a minister in our government. If Netanyahu wins the election, he can give Itamar ben Gvir a post.


Ukrainian: Zelenski is a good actor but no diplomat. He chides Israel for not donating weapons, and does not understand the Israel -Russia delicate relations. We supply plenty of humanitarian aid, treat his wounded and accept his refugees.

Why: Benny Ganz should not be in a Netanyahu government. He only wears a right wing mask but could be a Trojan horse.

It Was: High time that the Israel Innovation Society and government are recognising the under representation of the Charedi, the ultra orthodox sector in industry. They are launching a training programme for their men and women.

Unworkable suggestion: Bennett proposes a unity government of right, left and Arab parties ! Just imagine the result! An immediate new election.

Self: Before country is the motto of Ayelet Shaked. Only a fool never changes his mind. Her party is imploding and she insists on political suicide, that might bring the country down with it. This time vote Likud to prevent that.

And: More

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