Photo Credit: Mizrachi
Rejuvenation: Religious Zionism - Is the Best Yet to Come?

Rabbi Reuven Taragin join Eve to discuss Religious Zionism; the challenges, the successes, the ideology of living Torah with love for and connection to the Land, how to continue Jewish tradition while engaging with the modern world and providing role models for young people exposed to too many alternatives. They are both (coincidentally) heading to Los Angeles this week as part of the Mizrachi program of 70 for 70, celebrating the State of Israel’s upcoming 70th birthday in communities across North America during the upcoming Shabbat and weekend. As Director of the program, Rabbi Taragin was responsible for ultimately connecting over 80 communities with Israeli scholars, a great way to rejuvenate the Religious Zionists of America. Check the website and join us, wherever you may be.

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