Photo Credit: Corey Gil-Shuster

Corey Gil-Shuster has been going around Israel and the Palestinian Authority for years asking tough and interesting questions of Jews and Arabs. One thing he regularly noticed is the disparity between the middle-class lives the Arabs live and the poor quality of life they think they are living.

After his introduction where he tries to explain and understand that disparity between reality and belief, he asks, “How much do you think you suffer under the occupation [between 1 to 10]?”


The most common answer is 10 or 11, and the most common reason given is longer travel times.

The most common explanation for the longer travel times are checkpoints, which Corey keeps pointing out were removed years before, unless they want to go into pre-67 Israel.

(I would point out, we no longer have a KFC in pre-67 Israel. I blame that on the occupation too).


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