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MK Ahmed Tibi explaining the long term benefits on speaking Arabic.

Yesterday was “Arab Language Day” in the Knesset.

MK Ahmed Tibi used the opportunity to speak about the Arab language and the Jewish people. He started his talk in Arabic, before switching to Hebrew…


From the Knesset podium he informed the other illustrious Israeli MKs that MK Taleb Abu-Arar taught him that morning that “in heaven the language spoken there is Arabic, and if the Jews want to go to heaven, they need to take this into account. So start learning Arabic gentlemen, or you’ll go somewhere else…”

Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein quickly retorted, “It does sound like heaven. No one there is going to be be able to bother me, since I don’t understand Arabic.”

From Tibi’s laughter, and that of the MKs – it was all hopefully said in jest.

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