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Ankara blast in February 2015.

A car bomb was detonated near military vehicles killed at least 18 civilians and military personnel and injured 10 in central Ankara, Turkey, Ankara Governor Mehmet Kılıçlar stated on Wednesday evening. At least three military vehicles caught on fire after the explosion; officials fear that the death toll may climb higher due to the fire. 32 ambulances were dispatched to the scene of explosion.

The explosion took place some 300 yards from Turkey’s national Parliament, as well as the headquarters of the Army, Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard commands. Fire and smoke was visible from many parts of Ankara.


The Turkish General Staff said in a statement that the vehicles were attacked while waiting at a traffic lights. “We fiercely condemn this heinous attack; we wish our deepest condolences to the families of the victims and the Turkish nation. May Allah have mercy upon our colleagues, brothers in arms who lost their lives in the attack and we wish those injured a speedy recovery.”

Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu canceled his trip to Brussels for the EU Summit on the refugee crisis.

An image from the Wednesday blast in Ankara

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