7:06 AM: The Arab who was killed trying to break through the checkpoint has been identified as Badar Achram, and is alleged to be a leader in a Palestinian organization.

1:28 AM: Not all details are clear yet.


What we know so far is that one person, apparently one of the Arabs in the car who was in critical condition was transported to Hadassah Ein Karem hospital where he died of his wounds. (One or) Two Palestinians were transported to a hospital in Ramallah by Red Crescent with light wounds. The border policeman (lightly injured) was transported to Hadassah Har Tzofim.

12:49 AM: Correction and Update

Two Palestinians tried to run the El Za’im checkpoint near Ma’aleh Adumim.

A Border Policeman shot at them. One Palestinian is in critical condition, the second was lightly injured.

A policeman was also hit in the leg, probably by a ricochet. The Red Crescent has taken the Palestinians to a hospital in Ramallah.

The policeman was treated on site.

12:42 AM: Additional reports coming in that a Palestinian car ran the checkpoint and shot at the policeman.

12:36PM A policeman was hit in the legs from a ricochet at the El Za’im checkpoint near Ma’aleh Adumim just after midnight Sunday night (Monday morning). He was lightly injured in the attack. A second, unidentified, person is reported as injured in the attack in more serious condition.

MDA is treating the wounded.

No other information is available at this point.

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