Photo Credit: Courtesy Elbit
Elbit tactical radio and communication PNR 100

Elbit Systems Ltd. on Wednesday announced it had been awarded a $100 million contract by Israel’s Ministry of Defense for the supply of advanced radio systems. According to the contract, Elbit Systems will manufacture and provide hundreds of radio systems over five years.

Elbit Systems is expecting to receive additional orders to provide repair and maintenance services for 15 years. Elbit Systems will expand its manufacturing and maintenance site in Arad to include 100 employees, making it a “center of excellence for manufacturing and maintenance of advanced radio systems for the IDF.”


Under the contract, Elbit Systems will provide the IDF with handheld, vehicle mounted and airborne third generation Software Defined Radios (SDRs), enabling advanced network services at a high security level. The maintenance activity will be performed under an outsourcing model, as part of the Israeli Defense Ministry’s strategy to establish a full array of radio systems at high operational availability while significantly reducing maintenance expenses.

Elbit Systems president and CEO Bezhalel Machlis said in a statement, “We are very proud of this award, reinforcing our strategic partnership with the city of Arad on the one hand and with the IDF on the other. Employing 100 workers in Arad is in line with Elbit Systems’ strategy to enhance our presence in Israel’s peripheral areas. We have many years of experience in managing outsourcing projects in Israel and abroad, in radio communications as well as other military fields, and I am confident this experience will enable us to provide the Defense Ministry with a top quality highly operational solution for a cost effective price.”

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