Photo Credit: Ehud Amitun / Tzapit News Agency
Neve Tzuf's Tzofit bus/hitchhiking station.

At around 11:50 AM there was an attempted run-over vehicular terror attack at the Tzofit bus/hitchhiking station. The Arab terrorist tried to run over 3 people, but failed.

The attack happened on the highway near the entrance to the Tzofit neighborhood of Neve Tzuf which is in the Binyamin region.


Ron, a local resident who was on guard duty near the entrance told Tazpit that two boys were sitting on the curbside, and he was standing near them when they saw an Arab van driving towards them at high speed on the shoulder of the road. The guard pointed his gun at the driver and the terrorist then quickly swerved away back onto the road and drove off in the direction of Bir Zit.

The IDF has put up roadblocks and is looking for the terrorist.

Neve Tzuf, also called Halamish, is built on the ruins of an ancient Jewish Talmudic-period city of the same name.

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