Photo Credit: N-F-G YouTube screenshot /
Police cars outside refugee shelter in Hamburg

( The situation around a refugee shelter in Hamburg, Germany, remains extremely tense, according to Morgen Post. The chaos of the relocation of asylum seekers and a hunger strike, was followed on Wednesday by several violent clashes between Afghans and Syrians. Wednesday night, the fighting escalated into a mass brawl and several people were injured.

According to a report on Facebook, the Syrians and Afghans fought over the use of the showers at the makeshift accommodation. An eyewitness report on Facebook suggested the cause of the dispute was a locked toilet door.


Bergedorf, the largest of the seven boroughs of Hamburg, Germany, is increasingly becoming a powder keg, according to Morgen Post. Tensions erupted several times, well into the night on Wednesday and on Thursday morning, in the shelter on Kurt A. Körber-Chaussee, a main street going across Hamburg. Shortly after midnight, around 200 refugees were fighting one another, reaching for everything in the Hall to use as weapons: chairs, stones, iron bars. The 18-strong security staff tried in vain to intervene.

The situation was confusing and dangerous, in a largely dark building — the lights in the hall were turned off at 11 PM. Parents grabbed their children, trying to get out of the building. It took an eternity until the police arrive, according to reporter Von Hasan Gökkaya. The 50 police officers who advanced on the brawlers eventually brought the situation under control. Three people were arrested.

A Refugee going by the name of Aboud A. reported on Facebook: “There was a second brawl during the same night. Police arrived very late and took random people with them — it was awful.” In a sad statement, Aboud A. related how the fighting in his homeland Syria had destroyed his dreams — and how it could happen again now. He then pleaded for help.

But why has the situation escalated so badly, Morgen Post asked, saying the trigger for the violent eruptions is yet to be clarified, as of Thursday morning. Police did not offer a reliable number regarding the casualties.

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