Photo Credit: Amos Ben Gershom/FLASH90/GPO
2007 - President Bush shaking hands with DM Ehud Barak, at Ehud Olmert's house. The US was spying on both Ehuds at the time.
Ehud Barak’s apartment in the exclusive Akirov Towers. It’s an expensive neighborhood to rent in for a simple Marine guard.

The US spy scandal goes from bad to worse according to a Yediot Achronot report that says the US rented an apartment across the street from then Defense Minister Barak, apparently to spy on him.

The apartment housed a single US Marine, whom Israeli Intelligence noted in 2007 had brought in an unusually large amount of electronic equipment into his apartment. The US claims the marine was simply an embassy guard.


In light of all the spying the US has been doing on Israel, Israeli officials have been calling for the release of Jonathan Pollard.

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