Canada Revokes JNF’s Tax-Exempt Status: It Supports the IDF

“JNF Canada will continue its charitable activity including collecting and receipting donations and distributing funds while the legal challenge is before the Federal Court of Appeal."

Religious Zionism MK’s Bill Countermands Sanctions on Settlers Via the Bank of Israel

There’s a fundamental problem with MK Sukkot’s bill: it oversteps the Bank of Israel Law.

Kamala Demands Bibi End Arab Suffering in Gaza, Settler Violence in Judea and Samaria

This was an American threat against Israel’s entire strategy in Gaza.

Ben Gvir Wins Round One in Court over Distribution of Weapons Permits to Civilians

However, judging by the attitudes of the judges, this is far from being a victory for Ben Gvir’s ministry.

A Vindictive Pelosi Blasted for Demeaning Netanyahu’s Speech

Nadler lost a lot of credit with me by suggesting Netanyahu is willing to sacrifice the lives of hundreds of IDF soldiers to save his hide.

WATCH: Man Tries to Save Smoldering US Flag from Pro-Hamas Mob in DC

He is chased down by the anti-Israel rioters, who burned Old Glory while replacing it with a PLO flag.

Thousands of Angry Pro-Hamas Protesters and Israeli Ex-Pats Try to Drown Out Netanyahu’s Speech

The demonstrations may have been in protest of Israel’s military response to the Hamas atrocities, but it was all about Netanyahu.

Meet UnXeptable: US Yordim Dedicated to Defeating Israel’s Right-Wing Majority

UnXeptable has been able to unite anti-Israel American Jews against the right-wing majority government.

Democrats Could Face ‘Some Risks’ Naming Jewish Governor as VP, ‘CNN’ Correspondent Says

Josh Shapiro, the Pennsylvania governor, is among the politicians who are seen as a potential vice president pick for the Democrat ticket.

Harris to Skip Netanyahu’s Congressional Address

Her aide said that she had a previously scheduled appointment and that it doesn't reflect a change in her position toward Israel.

Potential Harris Presidency Could Turn the Screws on Israel

Vice President Kamala Harris reportedly pushed the Biden administration to show more sympathy for Gazans and to get tough with Israel.

Bibi to Deliver Israel’s Message of Survival Against Terrorism in a Tumultuous Washington DC

Because of the PM’s notorious last-minute corrections, his speech will be kept secret and not released to the media ahead of time, not even under an embargo.

Biden Endorsed Harris but Democrats May Go for Gavin Newsom

Old Joe Biden exacted his revenge on Pelosi who led the effort to derail him and followed his announcement of stepping aside with an endorsement of Kamala Harris.

Republicans and a Democrat Demand Resignation of Woke Secret Service Chief Kimberly Cheatle

Here are a few anecdotes that could explain, perhaps, why Cheatle’s agency did not measure up to the task of protecting one of the two most important persons in the country.

DNC Publishes Biden’s Plan for Israel and Its Neighbors with Palestinian State and Punishing...

President Biden and Vice President Harris oppose any unilateral steps by either side — including annexation — that undermine prospects for two states.

Trump to World Adversaries: Return our Hostages or Pay ‘Big Price’

He criticized the Biden-Harris administration, alleging they inherited a peaceful world but transformed it into a global conflict zone.

As Senior Democrats Converge on a Sickly Biden, Surrender Could Come this Weekend

On August 7, 1974 Senior Republicans told President Nixon he must resign or face impeachment, conviction, and removal from office.

Ben Gvir ‘Storms’ Temple Mount, Arabs and Shas Minister Upset

In Arab reports, every visit to the Temple Mount is a storming of Al Aqsa, and every Jewish visitor is a settler.

North Carolina University Police Obtain Search Warrant for Pro-Hamas Students’ Instagram

This action follows a series of pro-Hamas protests in the spring that resulted in incidents of vandalism, trespassing, and property destruction.

Biden Admin Bans Elor Azaria from Entering US, Six Years After He Serves Prison...

For some reason, his family will also be barred from applying for a visa to the United States.

‘Pretext is a Big Word,’ State Department Spokesman Scolds Arab Reporter

"I just want to make sure that’s the word you mean," Matthew Miller said, when Said Arikat claimed Israel attacked Mawasi on the "pretext" of targeting a Hamas leader.

Cuban Jewish Delegate Leads GOP Convention in Prayer for Israeli Hostages

"We remember and pray for freedom for the hostages kidnapped and held so cruelly against their will. Lord, please keep them in your sight and hasten the day of their freedom.”

Israel Rejects Norwegian FM’s Request to Visit, Cites Recognition of Palestinian State

Norway not only recognized a Palestinian state but refused to recognize Hamas as a terrorist organization.

Elon Musk Commits $45 Million a Month to Trump’s Campaign

Billionaire Elon Musk committed around $45 million a month to a new super political-action committee supporting former President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, The Wall...

After 6 Years of Deliberations the State Indicts Michael Ben Ari for Incitement to...

You realize that none of this nonsense could take place in a democracy where freedom of speech is respected.

Fl. Republican’s Bill to ‘Claw Back American Tax Dollars from UNRWA’ Passes Committee

On May 7, Mast and Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) introduced a bipartisan bill to direct the Secretary of State to recover any federal funds that have been disbursed to UNRWA.

Corbyn Forges Pro-Palestinian Coalition to Pressure Labour

Jeremy Corbyn, the former Labour leader, is forming an alliance with four other independent MPs who share his pro-Palestinian stance. Their goal is to...

Columbia to Sack Law Prof. Who Said Israelis Come Straight from IDF Service to...

According to Franke, her outrageous accusation sparked a university investigation and a Congressional inquiry.


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