Photo Credit: ANC SECRETARY GENERAL | Fikile Mbalula/X.
An ANC delegation and South African Communist Party leader Solly Mapaila hold a bilateral meeting with Hamas and Fatah delegations at Chief Albert Luthuli House in Johannesburg, Dec. 5, 2023.

By Rolene Marks

Representatives of the Hamas terrorist organization met with the Secretary-General of the ruling African National Congress party in South Africa, Fikile Mbalula, in Johannesburg on Wednesday.


Mbalula, tweeting after the meeting, stated that the ANC and the “Palestinian” delegation concurred on several critical actions, including calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, the opening of borders for humanitarian aid, the release of all “Palestinian” “political” prisoners and the cessation of occupation and importance of unity among “Palestinian” organizations.

The Hamas delegation was headed by Dr. Bassem Naim, a member of the group’s political bureau in the Gaza Strip. Fatah and Palestine Liberation Organization representatives were also present. The Hamas delegation also met the head of the South African Communist Party (SACP), Solly Mapaila, in Johannesburg.

Naim said they “appreciated the role played by South Africa in supporting the struggle of the Palestinian people to obtain their rights.”

The meeting took place during the “16 Days of Action against Violence against Women” event but the ANC and SACP failed to address the Hamas atrocities of Oct. 7 as well as rape and gender-based violence against Israeli women. There were no calls for the immediate release of hostages held by Hamas.

In recent weeks, the South African parliament passed a nonbinding resolution to close the Israeli embassy in Pretoria and suspend diplomatic ties. Diplomats have been recalled from Israel.

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