Photo Credit: courtesy, Abu Ali Express via Twitter
A conference meeting hall at the Bethlehem Hotel was closed down by the Palestinian Authority government after this photo was seen on social media.

After shots were fired at a Bethlehem hotel, the Palestinian Authority’s Tourism Ministry opened an investigation, but according to the Abu Ali Express site — the investigation was not to track down the shooters, but instead, the Palestinian Authority investigated the hotel and shut down their conference meeting hall after photos were seen on social media showing Jewish symbols on the stage.


A cardboard Magen David (Jewish Star of David) and seven-branched Menorah from the Holy Temple of Jerusalem were seen by a guest at the hotel who entered the hall.

Palestinian Authority social media users claimed the hotel was planning to host a group of Jews for the Sukkot holiday and charged the hotel and the PA government were “promoting normalization” with Israel.

The investigation is not focusing at all on the gunfire; the Palestinian Authority government is instead solely focusing the probe on the hotel to find out who was responsible for placing the Jewish symbols in the conference meeting hall.

“Jews are not allowed in here,” said Elias Al-Arja, manager of the hotel, who spoke with the Palestinian Authority’s Watan news agency, promoting the official apartheid agenda of the Palestinian Authority.

“A group of 300 Filipinos came to the hotel for an eight-day stay and asked on Thursday to put on a party. Hotel management agreed and the group started prepping the hall. After the hall had been prepped for the party, I was surprised by the presence of the Star of David and the Menorah. I opposed that completely and asked them to remove [the Star of David and the Menorah], which is in fact what happened,” Al-Arja said.

Al-Arka accused the guest who snapped the photos of inciting against the hotel, and demanded he be held accountable, Watan reported.

In a separate interview with the Mawwal radio station, Al-Arja said that he told the Philippine tourists after the incident that they could not hold the conference in the Bethlehem Hotel. “We don’t allow Jews to come here. We never held parties for Jewish holidays. The event was organized by a church from the Philippines,” he reiterated.

The Vatican, which champions the Palestinian Authority, has had nothing to say about the vicious antisemitism of the hotel and that of the Ramallah government, nor has the Biden Administration, which continues to insist that Israel enable the Palestinian Authority to become a full-fledged, sovereign state — Judenrein, of course.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.