Photo Credit: Google Earth

On the eve of Rosh Hashanah 5779, Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics released its latest figures on the country’s demographics, estimating the overall population at 8.907 million. The CBS expects Israel’s population to reach 10 million by the end of 2024, 15 million in 2048, and 20 million in 2065.

Empty spaces are going fast, come get yours today…


The Jewish population of the Jewish State is estimated at 6.625 million (74.4% of the overall population); the Arab population at 1.864 million (20.9%); and others at 418,000 (4.7%).

Since the last Rosh Hashanah, Israel’s population grew by about 162,000. The rate of growth in 5778 was 1.9%, similar to previous years.

During the same year, some 175,000 babies were born in Israel and some 43,000 Israelis passed away.

Some 29,000 people were added as immigrants, among them about 25,000 olim.

Israeli Jews ages 20 and up were divided according to their religious affiliations as follows:

44.3% say they are not religious, and are, in fact, secular.

21.4% say the are traditional but not so religious.

12.3% are traditional and religious.

11.5% are religious.

10.2% are Haredi.

Happy 5779 to all our readers. We’d like to note that the Hebrew numbers of the new year form the word Tish’at – meaning “gallop.” Ride with caution…

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