Photo Credit: Israel Embassy in Poland
Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen met with his Polish counterpart, Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rao, in Warsaw on March 22, 2023

Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen met with his Polish counterpart, Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau, to finalize resolution of multiple diplomatic disputes between the two countries.

Following their meeting, the two diplomats announced the return of the Polish ambassador to Israel and a decision to reinstate visits to Poland by Jewish youth delegations.


“This decision marks a positive step forward in our diplomatic relations, and I am sure that it will lead to even closer cooperation between our two countries,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in response to the announcement.

“Poland is a very significant factor in Europe today and together with it we will continue to advance issues of political importance, such as the most effective ways to deal with the Iranian threat, whose terrorist metastases are already evident in Europe,” Cohen said.

The foreign minister added that he and his counterpart had also discussed the Iranian nuclear threat.

“I emphasized to my colleagues that only the continuation of heavy economic and political sanctions, together with a credible military threat, will bring about the desired results against the regime of terror in Tehran.”

Cohen was also expected to meet with the leaders of the Jewish community in Poland. He was also scheduled to visit the Holocaust Museum and Holocaust Memorial in Warsaw.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.