Photo Credit: Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

Quantum computational ability will lay the technological foundation for an Israeli ecosystem that will lead to future developments in security, economics, technology, engineering, and science, with a budget of NIS 200 million (roughly $60 million), according to a press release that was sent out Tuesday by the Israel Innovation Authority and the Israel Defense Ministry’s Directorate of Defense Research & Development (IMOD DDR&D).

The investment in the quantum computer will be directed towards two parallel and complementary tracks: the Israel Innovation Authority will focus on building and developing a quantum computational infrastructure for running calculations directly or via cloud access, mainly for optimization purposes, or to improve different elements in quantum computing.


The infrastructure will facilitate the assessment of existing algorithms and will be available for implementing research and development in all layers of software and hardware but will not include (Fabless) production facilities.

Initially, to establish and operate the infrastructure, there may be partial usage of overseas technology. Going forward, the infrastructure will be integrated with Israeli-developed quantum processors and technologies.

The IMOD DDR&D will establish a national center with quantum capabilities that will be at the center of an Israeli ecosystem that will establish local capabilities. The center will collaborate with academia, the industry, and with all the National Research and Development Infrastructure (TELEM) entities, and will deal with the numerous layers in developing a quantum processor, including hardware, control, optimization, algorithmics, and interfacing aspects, to develop a complete quantum computer.

Quantum computers are machines that use the properties of quantum physics to store data and perform computations. Classical computers encode information in binary bits of either 0s or 1s. In a quantum computer, the basic unit of memory is a quantum bit or qubit, made using physical systems, such as the spin of an electron or the orientation of a photon. These systems can be in many different arrangements all at once, and be inextricably linked together using a phenomenon called quantum entanglement. The result is that a series of qubits can represent different things simultaneously.

A Quantum computer, unlike a classical computer, is based on an advanced processing system that enables simultaneous processing of a vast number of calculations. Quantum computing significantly reduces the calculation time frame and therefore constitutes a significant leap in computational capabilities.

Israel Innovation Authority CEO, Dror Bin said: “Quantum computing is a technology Israeli industry cannot ignore. The industry must develop knowledge and access to infrastructure in which it can develop growth engines for activities in which it will decide to lead.”

Dr. Danny Gold, Head of IMOD DDR&D said: “Quantum computing, on all levels, is showing signs of being an important future component of the state’s security and its technological superiority. Starting this process in the framework of the national program constitutes a significant step towards achieving Israeli independence in this area.”

The investment in quantum computing is added to the investments of tens of millions of shekels that has been carried out so far in the technological development among companies and researchers, all as part of the National Quantum Science & Technologies Program, which was launched two years ago by the TELEM Forum, with a budget of NIS 1.25 billion (roughly $400 million). This forum is made up of the IMOD DDR&D, Israel Innovation Authority, the Planning and Budgeting Committee, the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology, and the Finance Ministry.

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