Photo Credit: Yishai Fleisher

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich instructed the relevant government offices to begin preparing to officially recognize 68 young communities in Judea and Samaria. The move will allow the communities to connect to existing infrastructure.

The decision to complete the normalization process of the communities was a key part of the coalition agreement made with Smotrich’s Religious Zionism party.


Yesha Council Chairman Shlomo Ne’eman on the planned legalization of 68 “young communities” in Judea and Samaria, “We welcome the progress on the approvals for 68 “young communities” in Judea and Samaria. These are communities established years ago and sanctioned by the country. This is definitely a strategic move for the entire enterprise of Judea and Samaria and an important step towards correcting the injustice for thousands of residents who have been living in these communities for years without proper infrastructure. This is an important answer, especially at this time, to those who don’t want to see us here. We thank Prime Minister Netanyahu, and the Minister of Finance and Minister in the Ministry of Defense, Bezalel Smotrich for furthering the process.”

Malachei Hashalom, the community near where Binyamin Achimeir was murdered by Palestinian Authority Arab terrorists is one of the communities that will be approved.

The timing of the move is interesting, and may put Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in conflict with Minister Benny Gantz, his leftwing coalition partner. It certainly won’t make the Biden administration happy, which spent this weekend sanctioning Jews and threatening to sanction the IDF’s Netzach Yehuda battalion.

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