Photo Credit: Tom Nisani
Tom Nisani on the Temple Mount

Beyadenu, a not-for-profit that promotes the Jewish return to the Temple Mount, released 10 principles they are recommending to the new Israeli goverment implement as part of its basic national guidelines.



The 10 principles to pave the way for sovereignty on the Temple Mount are as follows:

1. Completion of the process of introducing the Temple Mount into the education system in Israel.

2. Inclusion of the Temple Mount in the list of the Holy Places Law.

3. Application of civil rights on the Temple Mount: granting freedom of worship to Jews on the Mount.

4. Application of civil rights on the Temple Mount: granting freedom of movement to those who ascend the Mount.

5. Prevention of the destruction of antiquities and our heritage on the Temple Mount – Archaeological conservation and supervision.

6. Standardization of the opening hours of the Temple Mount for all populations, including opening to Jewish ascension on Shabbat and in the evening hours.

7. Open access to the Temple Mount throughout the entire day on Jewish holidays.

8. Abolition of discrimination regarding the entrance gates to the Temple Mount – opening additional gates for Jews.

9. Establishment and regulation of an official government management body for Temple Mount affairs.

10. Regulation of the entrance to the Hallel (Mugrabi) Gate of the Temple Mount, including direction signs, upgrading the entrance, and constructing a new, modern bridge.

Sounds good to us.

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