This Just In: Ben Gvir Did NOT ‘Storm’ Temple Mount

Now, everyone knows that the Jewish visitors didn’t even get close to the Al Aqsa Mosque, but what the PA official news outlet meant was that everything up on the mountaintop is part of the mosque.

Abbas Calls Temple Mount ‘Exclusive Property of Muslims’ in Speech to UN General Assembly

The Muslims built their mosque on top of our Temple Mount, and then have the nerve to call us the "occupiers"!?

Biden Tells Slabodka Rosh Yeshiva He, Too, Favors Banning Jewish Prayer on Temple Mount

Yes, folks, Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, and Jack Lew are giving hypocrisy a bad name.

Herzog Assures Ambassador Lew Status Quo to be Upheld on Temple Mount as Jewish...

"The peace agreements between Israel and its neighbors are a cornerstone of stability in the region."

Hear Rosh Chodesh Elul Kedusha and Hallel on Temple Mount

And our eyes will see your kingdom as it is said in the songs of Your Might by David your righteous Messiah.

Jordan Condemns Israeli Guided Tours on Temple Mount, Wants UN to Subdue Jewish Freedom...

In other words, the UN security Council should proclaim that Jews must not enjoy their right to freedom of worship on the most sacred Jewish site in the world!

US Condemns Ben-Gvir’s Call for Synagogue on Israel’s Temple Mount

The US doesn't believe Jews should have the right or freedom to pray in their holiest site.

Otzma Yehudit Scores Win in Battle with Enraged UTJ & Leftists over Temple Mount

It is almost heartwarming to see the coming together of the Haredi establishment, the leftover leftist contingency, and Islamists everywhere.

Ben-Gvir: Jews Can Pray at Temple Mount; Bibi: No Change in Status Quo

The national security minister insisted Israeli law does not discriminate between Jews and Muslims.

How Ben Gvir ‘Prevented’ the October 7 Attack and How Blinken, Lapid, and Deri...

Itamar Ben Gvir’s Otzma Yehudit has already robbed the Haredi parties of a seat each in the current Knesset.

Ben Gvir Ascends Temple Mount on 9 B’Av, Jews ‘Break the Rules’ by Praying,...

Some pesky Jews even sang the Hatikvah national anthem, which offers the promise of redemption as long as there’s hope in Jewish hearts.

This Tisha B’Av, Mashiach We Are Ready

With so much pain from this past year, the Nation of Israel has truly shown its light, strength and resilience. We pray that we will merit to greet Mashiach . . . very soon.

PM, DM Refute Ben-Gvir’s Claim Status Quo Changed on Temple Mount

The right of Jews to pray on the Temple Mount, where today three mosques are located, has long been controversial.

Ben Gvir Alienates Allies by Allowing Jewish Prayer on Temple Mount

"I remember the days when they shouted at me 'Allah Akbar' and I shouted back at them 'Shema Israel' and was arrested."

Ben Gvir ‘Storms’ Temple Mount, Arabs and Shas Minister Upset

In Arab reports, every visit to the Temple Mount is a storming of Al Aqsa, and every Jewish visitor is a settler.

1,500 Jews Visit Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day

The holiday marks the anniversary of the liberation of the Temple Mount, Western Wall and eastern side of the city, as well as Judea and Samaria.

Jerusalem Day 2024: Tefillin and Prayers on the Temple Mount

Beyadenu: "Ascenders are not afraid to wave the Israeli flag, sing Hallel, dance and rejoice at the liberation of Jerusalem."

Police Detain Man Who Raised Israeli Flag on Temple Mount on Independence Day

He reflected the national mood today, the saddest Yom Ha’Atzmaut ever.

500 Jews to Wave Israeli Flags on the Temple Mount on Independence Day

Former MK Aryeh Eldad and Rabbi Aryeh Cohen were detained by the police on the Mount after refusing to comply with illegal orders.

Ben-Gvir Visits Temple Mount During Birkat Cohanim Ceremony

Tens of thousands of Jewish worshippers participated in the semi-annual Birkat Kohanim at the Western Wall.

Rabbi Dov Lior Ascended Temple Mount to Celebrate his Grandson’s Nuptials

Rabbi Lior was excited to meet a religious Jewish police officer on the Temple Mount and gave him his blessing.

Police to Ban Jews From Temple Mount During Final Days of Ramadan

Ben-Gvir has not commented on the police ban, but it is believed that he was overruled by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Israeli Authorities Arrest 23 (Muslims) for Incitement on the Temple Mount

Several of them had led chants inciting and in support of terror attacks.

Ramadan: Israel to Allow Palestinian Authority Muslims to Pray at Al Aqsa Mosque

With strict security protocols in place, Israel will allow Palestinian Authority Muslims to enter Jerusalem for the purpose of pilgrimage to observe Ramadan in prayer at the Al Aqsa Mosque.

Israel Installs Barbed Wire on Temple Mount Wall to Protect Jewish Worshipers at Western...

The barbed wire was installed Monday by members of the Israel Border Police, in the hours prior to the start of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.

Netanyahu Removes Ben Gvir’s Law & Order Authority on Temple Mount

In several cases, gatherings of dozens of people formed at the entrance, and police officers used batons to keep the crowd away.

Israel’s Defense Establishment Braces for Ramadan

IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi met Saturday with Shin Bet director Ronen Bar to approve plans for the continuation of the war in Gaza.

Gantz, Eisenkot, Gallant Pressuring Netanyahu to Yank Ben Gvir from Temple Mount Decision Making

Sowing strife and dissent * Gallant on automatic * The State Dept. and religious freedom, don’ get me started * Let 1,000 Hamas flowers bloom.

Hamas, Iran and Hezbollah Plotting Ramadan Violence, Israeli Defense Minister Warns

Hamas and Iranian proxy groups plan to turn the Islamic holy month of Ramadan into the “second phase of October 7."

No Decision on Israeli Arab Access to Al Aqsa Mosque for Ramadan

Ben-Gvir: "It cannot be that while kidnapped women are being raped in Gaza, Israel is allowing a Hamas victory celebration on the Temple Mount."


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