Photo Credit: Tom Nisani / Beyadenu
PLO flag on the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount, May 1, 2022.

A banner proclaiming support for terrorism against the Jewish State hung unimpeded for two days from the Temple Mount’s Dome of the Rock mosque this week.


It’s not the first time — Palestinian Authority terrorists regularly attempt to hang PLO flags and those from other terrorist organizations on the Temple Mount.

It took two days, however, before Israel Police got around to removing the illegal, offensive banner, which proclaimed support for Gaza’s ruling Hamas terrorist organization and which was, in fact, hung by Hamas operatives, according to the Beyadenu organization which advocates for Jewish rights at the sacred site.

“There is no meaning to our existence if we do not yearn for Al-Aqsa, the resistance hasn’t said the last word yet,” warned the banner, which featured pictures of masked Hamas terrorists and Hamas symbols.

Hanging any poster or banner that proclaims support for Hamas constitutes a clear violation of Israeli law.

Much of the Arab world — and all Islamist terrorists — refer to the entire Temple Mount compound as “Al Aqsa,” the name of a large mosque built on the site.

Access to the Temple Mount, one of the holiest sites in the Jewish faith, was barred for Jewish visitors by the Israeli government during the final 10 days of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan in a move intended to prevent violence and an escalation in terror attacks.

The banner was finally removed during the overnight hours following an appeal from Beyadenu to Israeli media and to National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.

“There is no doubt that closing the site for Jews achieves nothing but surrendering to terrorism and fueling incitement,” said Tom Nisani, CEO of Beyadenu.

“How did we get to a situation in which a Hamas incitement poster is displayed on the Mount uninterrupted on Holocaust Remembrance Day?” Nisani lamented.

“It should serve as an opportunity for reflection for all of us.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.