Photo Credit: Flash 90
Israeli security forces at the scene of a shooting attack on a bus on road 90 in the Jordan Valley, September 4, 2022.

Otzma Yehudit head MK Itamar Ben Gvir had harsh words for Defense Minister Benny Gantz on Sunday in response to the terrorist shooting attack in Jordan Valley earlier in the day that left one soldier seriously wounded and two others moderately wounded, plus three others with milder injuries.

Divine Justice: 2 Terrorists Severely Burned by Firebombs After Attacking Israeli Soldiers in Jordan Valley


“Another murderous attack, supported by Abu Mazen [Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas] and his best friend, Defense Minister Gantz,” Ben Gvir said bitterly.

“In order to combat terrorism, we need a system that brooks no compromises,” he declared.

“Once again it has been proven that when we fail to show a strong hand against terrorism, they strike us again and again. I wish and pray for a speedy recovery for all those wounded.”

Religious Zionism party leader MK Bezalel Smotrich agreed, adding in his own statement, “We cannot continue like this. The number of stoning incidents, fire bombings and shootings in Judea and Samaria is climbing to new heights – but these are not statistics. They are human lives.

“The first task of any government is to provide security for its citizens,” Smotrich went on. “This Israeli government, headed by a failed Defense Minister like Gantz, is abandoning the security of Israeli citizens.

“I convey my support to our security forces and my best wishes for a speedy recovery to those injured. I also make my promise that in the next government, we will place the security of Israeli citizens at the head of our list of priorities, along with Iran and its proxies which are growing in strength in Judea and Samaria.”

Smotrich and Ben Gvir joined forces to run in a joint list after Opposition Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu invited the two of them to his home for a ‘conversation’ about the upcoming election, set for November 1.

“Only a strong hand will beat terror,” Netanyahu said in a statement following the shooting. The Opposition leader voiced support for Israel’s military forces, and said he is praying for those who were wounded in the attack.

Caretaker Prime Minister Yair Lapid likewise released a statement wishing a swift recovery to the soldiers and bus driver who were hurt in the attack. He also praised the first responders and IDF troops for treating the wounded and quickly tracking down the suspects.

“We will continue to reach anyone who tries to harm the citizens and soldiers of the State of Israel,” Lapid vowed.

Gaza’s ruling Hamas terrorist organization also responded to the attack. The Iranian proxy terror group said in a statement that the shooting was a “response to the occupation’s crimes.”

The terror group did not, however, claim responsibility for the attack, nor did it say that any of the terrorists were members of Hamas.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.