Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz

What do we do about teachers who refuse to be vaccinated?

Unvaccinated Teachers in Schools
  • Stop it already with the vaccine pushing. Let everyone get back to living. 77%, 797 votes
    797 votes 77%
    797 votes - 77% of all votes
  • Are setting a bad example, endangering others, and shouldn't be allowed in. 16%, 164 votes
    164 votes 16%
    164 votes - 16% of all votes
  • Make them take a daily PCR test, and let them in. 6%, 65 votes
    65 votes 6%
    65 votes - 6% of all votes
  • Should be in reeducation camps, not schools. 1%, 10 votes
    10 votes 1%
    10 votes - 1% of all votes
Total Votes: 1036
August 29, 2021 - September 11, 2021
Voting is closed

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