Photo Credit: Metropolitan Transportation Authority / Patrick Cashin / Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia
NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo and NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio
What Is Gov. Cuomo's and Mayor de Blasio's Real Motivation?
  • Anti-Semitism that only now is showing its true face 56%, 249 votes
    249 votes 56%
    249 votes - 56% of all votes
  • Frustration at Haredi Jews who defy Corona rules 27%, 120 votes
    120 votes 27%
    120 votes - 27% of all votes
  • Concern for the health of all New Yorkers 13%, 59 votes
    59 votes 13%
    59 votes - 13% of all votes
  • Concern for individual communities, including Jews 4%, 18 votes
    18 votes 4%
    18 votes - 4% of all votes
Total Votes: 446
October 15, 2020 - October 22, 2020
Voting is closed

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