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Anti-Jewish protest

The Russian lower house is considering a new bill proposing to five years in prison for publicly denying the Holocaust or portraying Nazis as heroes, the Russian website reported, but Feedbacks revealed overwhelming anti-Jewish hate.

The current Russian law only outlaws Nazi movements and incitement of racial and ethnic hatred.


The sponsor of the bill is Boris Shpigel, who was and Upper House member who had to resign in order to be allowed to served as president of international rights group ‘”World without Nazism,.”

The new bill would also allow for the imposition of a fine from $3,300-$10,000m in addition to jail, for portraying Nazis or their aides as heroes, for Holocaust denial and for humiliating the dignity of individuals or groups on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, language, background, religion or belonging to a social group.

Judging by a random sample of 328 Feedbacks to the article on the Russian site, there is a lot of hatred of Jews out there.

Some choice comments, with unedited spellings, were:

— I thought Russia is safe from jews now but big surpise the cochraches are all over and moving again;

–as satan the father of lies is hiding from the dark so do the jews of being exposed from the treth;

–My grandfather fought in WW2, and freed a concentration camp, it’s not a lie.

— USA converted jew to christianity Brother Nathaneal fights zionist in america..God bless him


— The Russian people suffered most at the hands of the jews. These laws are being pushed by the jews.


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Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu is a graduate in journalism and economics from The George Washington University. He has worked as a cub reporter in rural Virginia and as senior copy editor for major Canadian metropolitan dailies. Tzvi wrote for Arutz Sheva for several years before joining the Jewish Press.