Photo Credit: courtesy
Ori Ansbacher, z'l

The Jerusalem District Court on Sunday morning sentenced Palestinian Authority Arab terrorist Arafat Arfa’iya to life imprisonment plus 20 years for the rape and murder of an Israeli teenager in 2019.

Arfa’ia attacked Ori Ansbacher of Tekoa in the woods in the outskirts of Jerusalem because she was Jewish.


Although Ansbacher fought back against Arfa’ia, he overcame her, stabbed her multiple times, raped and murdered her.

He comes from a well-known Hamas-supporting family in Hebron and has served time in Israeli prison for offenses of incitement to terrorism.

Arfa’iya was also ordered to pay 250,000 shekels ($72,600) to Ansbacher’s family, and an additional 75,000 shekels ($21,800) to each of her parents and siblings.

The court dismissed Arfa’ia’s lawyer’s claim he wasn’t competent to stand trial.

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