President Joe Biden told world leaders on Wednesday that the US is committed to Israel’s security, “full stop” — but in his next breath advocated for citizens of the Palestinian Authority to be given “the state to which they are entitled.”
In his remarks to the United Nations General Assembly, Biden said, “We will continue to advocate for lasting, negotiated peace between the Jewish and democratic State of Israel and the Palestinian people.
“The United States is committed to Israel’s security, full stop.
“And a negotiated two-state solution remains in our view the best way to ensure Israel’s security and prosperity for the future and give the Palestinians the state to which they are entitled.
“Both sides to fully respect the equal rights of their citizens. Both people enjoying an equal measure of freedom and dignity.”
Biden waited until the final ten minutes of his 81-minute speech to drop that bombshell.
Israel’ Prime Minister Yair Lapid is expected to deliver a similar statement during his own remarks at the General Assembly scheduled for Thursday. An official close to the caretaker prime minister told reporters that he, too, is planning to issue an explicit call for a two state solution.
However, there is a caveat, the official said: “We will not do anything that will endanger the security of Israel and Israelis by even a centimeter, but separation from the Palestinians must be part of our diplomatic vision, part of the hope through strength worldview.”
And of course, a state along Israel’s borders in which not one Jew is allowed, and those who sell land to Jews are sentenced to life in prison at best, and death at the worst, would not endanger the security of Israel, right?
Biden followed up his call to create another Arab terrorist state along Israel’s borders by warning that a nuclear war simply cannot be won, “and must never be fought,” warning that Russia is “making irresponsible nuclear threats to use nuclear weapons,” and that China has conducted an “unprecedented, concerning nuclear buildup without any transparency” despite US diplomatic efforts.
Biden added that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea “continues to blatantly violate UN sanctions.”
On Iran, the president said “while the United States is prepared for a mutual return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (the dead-in-the-water 2015 nuclear deal Iran signed with world powers) if Iran steps up to its obligations, the United States is clear: we will not allow Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon.”
The only problem is, Iran isn’t asking anyone, let alone seeking permission from the United States. And by the time the US gets serious about a military option — if in fact it does at all — Iran will have created an arsenal of atomic weapons.
Unless Israel makes good on its own threat to ensure Iran will never be able to do so.