Photo Credit: Josh Friedman
Temple Beth Sholom Miami Beach

Miami Beach, Florida Police on Sunday evening tweeted that it had been made aware of an antisemitic flyer distributed overnight in residential neighborhoods, noting that “detectives are actively investigating to determine their origin. We have increased patrols in our neighborhoods and also at our religious institutions.” Residents of nearby Surfside were also targeted.


According to the Miami Herald, the antisemitic flyers were probably distributed by the Goyim Defense League (GDL), a network of antisemites and white supremacists whose leaders come from Florida, New York, California, and Colorado.

The leaflet, headlined, “Every single aspect of the Covid agenda is Jewish,” lists federal and other senior health officials who are either Jewish or “Shabbos goy,” implying a benefit from the pandemic to the “Jews.”

Antisemitic flyer distributed in Miami Beach claims ‘the Covid agenda is Jewish,’ January 23, 2022.

The homes that were targeted with the antisemitic flyer in Surfside are on 88th Street, Froude Avenue, Carlyle Avenue, and Byscaya Drive, the Surfside police department reported.

Miami Beach Police spokesperson Ernesto Rodriguez told the Miami Herald: “There is no place for hate in our community and it will not be tolerated.”

Temple Beth Sholom, the largest and oldest Reform temple on Miami Beach, with 1210 member households, has issued an “Update from the Security Committee,” saying, “We know that the traumatic events at the synagogue in Colleyville this weekend heightened many peoples’ security concerns. We want to assure you … we have addressed security from the perspectives of the safety of individuals, the safety of the institution, and safety of our information.”

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