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Pomona Mayor-elect Ilan Fuchs

A Chabad-Lubavitch resident of Pomona, New York has been elected to serve as Mayor of Pomona, a village in Rockland County, NY.

Ilan Fuchs won the election for mayor on Tuesday. He has been serving as a trustee on the Village Board along with fellow Lubavitch resident of Pomona, Mendy Lasker.


Three other religious Jews, Joel Grunwald, Ra’anan Zidile and Marc Greenberg were elected to the Pomona Board in the same election.

In a video message, Fuchs thanked all those who voted for him and pledged to continue to work for the community.

“We won by a really large majority, thanks to all your help,” he said. “Thanks to [G-d] for the opportunity to serve the community, and we thank all the men and women who came out to vote.”

Fuchs said he looks forward to continuing to serve the community, “improving the services and improving communication.”

This report first appeared on the website.

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