Photo Credit: Jewish Learning Institute / YouTube screen grab
New York City Mayor Eric Adams declares for all to hear: New York and its mayor stand with Israel.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams had only four words for pro-Hamas protesters who confronted Hizzoner in Manhattan on Tuesday night, chanting “You have blood on your hands Eric Adams,” and other epithets.


Protester: “I just wanna know how many Palestinian children — how many killed Palestinian children — will it take for you to call for a ceasefire, Eric Adams? That’s all I wanna know.”

Adams: “Bring. the. hostages. home.”

The mayor is no stranger to the Jewish community, and has stood firmly together with the State of Israel in its fight for survival since the October 7, 2023 massacre of some 1,200 people – mostly civilians – perpetrated by invading Hamas-led terrorists from Gaza who additionally kidnapped 253 others as hostages.

Just a few days after the attack that launched the Hamas war against Israel, Adams told pro-Israel demonstrators, “We are not alright. We are not alright when we see young girls pulled from their home and dragged through the streets.

“We are not alright when we see grandmothers being pulled away from their homes, and children shot in front of their families.

“We are not alright when right here in the city of New York, you have those who celebrate at the same time when the devastation is taking place in our city.

“We are not alright when Hamas believes that they are fighting on behalf of something destructive, in that despicable action that carried out.

“We are not alright when we still have hostages who who have not come home to their families.

“We are not alright, and we’re not going to say have a stiff upper lip and act like everything is fine. Everything is NOT fine.

“Israel has a right to defend itself … Your fight is our fight, and right here in New York we have the largest Jewish population outside of Israel.

“This is the place that our voices must raise and cascade throughout the entire country.

“We will not be alright until every person responsible for this act is held accountable … I’m your brother; your fight is my fight.”

Adams has long been a strong supporter of the Jewish community in New York, during his service as an NYPD police officer, his term as Brooklyn Borough President, and as a New York State Senator. The mayor traveled to the Jewish State on an official visit in August 2023, just two months prior to the start of the Swords of Iron War on October 7th, and during his visit again expressed his support for Israel.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.