Photo Credit: Michal Mauer Silverstein
Gail Mauer, a"h

As yet another yahrzeit approaches it is difficult to believe that it has been 34 years.

My life has been punctuated by your life and your death. Your lessons and your love.


Although you are somewhere far in the distance, you are right here with me, carrying me, guiding me, encouraging me and smiling at me.

Mom…a word I don’t normally utter. So much was embodied in those three letters. You wanted to fill me up to bursting. You wanted to pump me up with confidence, purpose and identity. You wanted just a little more time with me. And how I wanted more time with you. Just a few more months, years.

I couldn’t say goodbye to you. I refused. Maybe you wouldn’t go. Maybe you would stay right where I needed you. You understood. I don’t think I could ever say goodbye.

My foundation, my roots and branches, they were cut off too soon, leaving me exposed to the elements. New branches and blooms have grown. They carry the sustenance within.

My dear Ima, thank you for making every minute count – using every moment as an opportunity to love me and to educate me and empower me.

May you be a meilitz yosher for your children and grandchildren.

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