The 20th Annual Flatbush One-Week Kollel (Yarchei Kallah), a project of Torah Connections, will again be held at Rav Feivel Cohen’s shul (Congregation Tomchei Torah), 1966 Ocean Avenue (between Avenues N and O) from Thursday, December 25 – Thursday, January 1.

 Under the direction of Rav Psachya Fried, shlita, rav of Khal Bnei Yisroel of Boro Park, the rosh kollel, this program has, since its inception in Flatbush in 1989, afforded residents of Flatbush and other communities in the metropolitan area a special opportunity to rediscover the dedicated Torah learning that they enjoyed in their yeshiva years.

 Joining Rav Fried in delivering shiurim are Rav Feivel Cohen, shlita, Morah D’Asra of Congregation Tomchei Torah; Rav Yisroel Belsky, shlita, rosh yeshiva of Mesivta Torah Vodaath; and Rav Moshe Twersky, shlita. The sugya chosen for this year’s Yarchei Kallah is from Mesechta Kiddushin 41a. It deals with the subject of the Ish Mekadesh.

 Many of the participants who join the Flatbush One-Week Winter Kollel have two of the five week days off as legal holidays, and only need to take three vacation days. Even those who work for themselves find that business slows down as the secular year comes to an end and that this is a perfect time to close shop and jump into the Yam HaTalmud, learning with greater pleasure in the special environment that only a kollel can offer.

  The program is geared to those with previous Gemara learning experience, whether on an intermediate or advanced level. An appreciative member of a previous Flatbush Yarchei Kallah stated, “the one-week kollel was a wonderful opportunity to leave the outside world for a short while and invest one’s time in a yeshiva environment.  “There is definitely a tremendous feeling of spiritual growth that comes from spending your time in a bais medrash with a group of other dedicated individuals who wisely utilize their hard-earned vacation time to learn Torah.”

 For more information on registering for this year’s Winter Yarchei Kallah in Flatbush, call (718) 998-5822 or e-mail [email protected]

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