Vishnitzer/Skverer Sheva Berachos
During The Hurricane

The chassunah took place in New Square on Wednesday evening, October 24. Yochanan Hager married Margolia (Pearl), daughter of Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Hager; son of Rabbi Yisroel Hager, Monsey Vishnitzer Rav; son of Rabbi Mordechai Hager, Monsey Vishnitzer Rebbe. Rabbi Yaakov Yosef, father of the kallah, is a son-in-law of Rabbi Dovid Twersky, Skverer Rebbe.


The father of the chassan is Rabbi Menachem Mendel Hager, Kiamesha Lake Vishnitzer Rav; son of the Monsey Vishnitzer Rebbe, and son-in-law of Rabbi Chai Yitzchok Twersky, Rachmestrivka Rebbe. Rabbi Yisroel Hager, grandfather of the kallah, is a son-in-law of Rabbi Elazar Meisels, zt”l (1914-1995), Uheiler Rav of Chicago and Miami.

On Monday, October 29, Hurricane Sandy unleashed its fury on the tri-state area of New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut, extinguishing electricity to tens of thousands of homes. That night, the Monsey Vishnitzer Rebbe came to New Square to join the Skverer Rebbe in celebrating sheva berachos. Hurricane Sandy did not exempt New Square, where every home lost electrical power. Skverer chassidim managed to equip the Main Skverer Beis Medrash with enough generator power to illuminate the event.

Tuesday’s final sheva berachos was held in the Main Vishnitzer Beis Medrash in Monsey despite the continuing storm and its many resulting complications. The happy event lasted late into the evening.

Nadvorna/Aleksander Shidduch

On Monday, October 29, Ben Zion Leifer was engaged to the daughter of Rabbi Feivel Eiger, Rosh Yeshiva Aleksander in Boro Park; son of Rabbi Meir Eiger; son-in-law of Rabbi Avrohom Menachem Danziger, zt”l (1921–2005), Aleksander Rebbe and author of Imrei Menachem; son of Rabbi Yehudah Moshe Tyberg-Danziger, zt”l (1892–1973), Aleksander Rebbe and author of Emunas Moshe; son-in-law of Rabbi Betzalel Yair Danziger, zt”l (1861-1934), Aleksander-Lodjer Rebbe; son of Rabbi Yechiel Danziger (1828–1894), founder of the Aleksander chassidishe dynasty.

Nadvorna Rebbe

The kallah is also a granddaughter of Rabbi Meir Rokeach, Kozlover Rebbe in Boro Park; son of Rabbi Moshe Rokeach, zt”l (1898-1970), Kozlover Rebbe who emigrated to the United States in 1931 together with his father, Rabbi Mayer Rokeach, zt”l (1871-1941), Kozlover Rebbe; son of Rabbi Avrohom Yehoshua Heshel Rokeach, zt”l (1836-1890), Pshemishel Rebbe; son of Rabbi Moshe Rokeach, zt”l (d. 1883), Karover Rebbe; son of Rabbi Sholom Rokeach, zt”l (1783-1855), founding Belzer Rebbe renowned as the Sar Sholom.

The chassan is the son of Rabbi Alter Menashe Leifer, Nadvorna Rav in Williamsburg; son of Rabbi Sholmo Leifer, Nadvorna Rebbe in Boro Park; son of Rabbi Sholom Leifer, zt”l (1895-1980), Nadvorna Rebbe who emigrated to the United States in 1926 and established his beis medrash in Brighton Beach; son of Rabbi Yesochor Dov Bertcha Leifer, zt”l (1845-1906), Nadvorna Rebbe in Satmar and author of Lekutei Yesochor; son of Rabbi Mordechai Leifer, zt”l (1824-1894), Nadvorna Rebbe and author of Maamar Mordechai; son of Rabbi Yesochor Bertche Leifer, zt”l (d. 1848), founding Nadvorna Rebbe and author of Sisrei Torah.

The Williamsburg Nadvorna Rav is a son-in-law of Rabbi Yosef Rosenbaum, Kalsiher Rebbe in Flatbush; son of Rabbi Yesochor Ber Rosenbaum, zt”l (1905-1981), Strozenitzer Rebbe and author of Divrei Yesochor; son of Rabbi Isomor Rosenbaum, zt”l (1886-1973), Nadvorna Rebbe; son of Rabbi Mayer Rosenbaum, zt”l (1852-1908), Kretchnifer Rebbe who wrote kamayos; son of the Maamar Mordechai.

In addition to his beis medrash, the Nadvorna Rav of Williamsburg heads a kollel there with more than 50 participants, as well as the Tiferes Bnos girls’ school, which has an enrollment of more than 400.

Vishnitzer Shidduch

Vishnitzer chassidim in Bnei Brak were preparing for the departure of their beloved leader, Rabbi Yisroel Hager, Bnai Brak Vishnitzer Rebbe, to America for a three-week visit that would include his participation at the wedding of a grandson. Then came the news that another of the Rebbe’s grandsons had become engaged. Menachem Mendel Hager, son of Rabbi Yitzchok Yeshaya Hager, was betrothed to the daughter of Rabbi Shlomo Goldman, Zvhiller Rebbe of Union City. The chassan is also a grandson of Rabbi Paneth, zt”l, Deijer Rebbe of Jerusalem.

The kallah is a granddaughter of Rabbi Avrohom Goldman, zt”l (1933-2009), Zvhiller Rebbe, and of Rabbi Yekusiel Yehuda Halberstam, zt”l (1905-1994), Klausenberger Rebbe. Rabbi Avrohom was the son of Rabbi Mordechai Goldman, zt”l (1910-1981), Zvhiller Rebbe and author of Gedulas Mordechai.

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