Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Bal Harbour police officer George Waisman was recently recognized by Bal Harbour Police and Chesed Shel Emes (CSE) Florida Division.

Waisman was off duty and on his way home when he heard a call for help. He quickly joined a rescue attempt already under way at the Haulover Beach on Collins Avenue. Waisman jumped on a jet ski and risked his own life in powerful rip currents by pulling a man out of the ocean and bringing him to shore. Officer Waisman then continued his rescue attempt, pulling another from the surf. Unfortunately, two of the five chassidic men involved in this incident lost their lives.

(L-R) Chief Overton of the Bal Harbour PD, officer George Waisman, Mark Rosenberg , CSE – chaplain FHP, and David Katz, CSE

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Shelley Benveniste is South Florida editor of The Jewish Press.