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Events In The West: October 14 is East Bay Tikkun Olam Chesed Day in northern California.

Shul News: Yasher koach to Young Israel of Century City for reaching out to its members to organize meals for those in need.



Mazel Tov – Births: Shai and Chana Samet, a son… Eric and Sarah Abitbol of NY, a son (Grandparents Alan and Etti Lowy; Sonia Rosenberg)… Pinny and Chana Rosenbaum, a daughter (Grandparents Chaim and Mati Rosen)… Rabbi Yakov and Chana Willner, a daughter (Grandparents Rabbi Yaakov and Frumie Krause)… Yossi and Chava Braun, a son (Grandparents Yehoshua and Ruchel Klavan; Great-grandparents Rabbi Jacob and Leah Friedman)… Rabbi Stephen and Rachel Cavalier of Yerushalayim, a son (Grandparents Mark and Linda Abraham)… Alan and Rochelle Tsarovsky, a son… Shua and Chavi Lebovics, a son… Howard and Jill Reichman, a son… Ari and Suri Reiss of Yerushalayim, a son (Grandparents Rabbi Shlomo and Robin Goldberg)… Yoni and Talya Weiss, a son (Grandparents Yaacov and Rayme Isaacs; Great-grandparents Dr. Sam and Diana Hirt)… Joey and Dana Small, a son (Grandparents Dr. Sandy and Freda Small)… Gavy and Yaffa Silverstein of Hollywood, FL, a daughter (Grandparents Neil and Leslie Silverstein)… Moshe and Miriam Leiber, a son (Grandparents Saul and Julie Kessler; Great-grandparents Max and Marilyn Kessler and Elazar and Joyce Genauer)… Sholom and Bashi Rand, a daughter…Dan and Donna Harkham, a son (Grandparents Dr. Glenn and Janet Roeder).

Mazel Tov – Bar Mitzvahs: Pinchos Abramczik, son of Shimon and Hubi Abramczik… Chaim Selah, son of Tzvi and Janet Selah.

Mazel Tov – Engagements: Shoshana Gres, daughter of Jerry and Debbie Gres, to Yosef Caplan, son of Jeff and Gale Caplan of Agoura, CA… Jennifer Libo, daughter of David Libo and Miriam Libo, to Jeremy Torem, son of Rabbi Rob and Jocelyn Torem of Seattle, WA… Sara Fried, daughter of Lauren Hellman, to Yoni Levin, son of Brian and Judy Levin… Chani Levy, daughter of David and Betty Levy, to Yudi Hollander, son of Rabbi Tzvi and Kayla Hollander… Dr. Diego Wyszynky to Ruthie Hassan of London.

Congratulations: Deputy Sheriff Barry Poltorak for receiving the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department Meritorious Conduct Medal-Silver for his actions during the city of Carson’s major apartment house and mobile home park fire.


Mazel Tov – Birth: Andrew and Kerry Gorden, a son.


Mazel Tov – Births: Jonathon and Elise Hay, a daughter (Grandparents David and Lea Polaner)… Dr. Alex and Rikki Kushnir, a daughter (Grandparents Rabbi Hillel and Elaine Goldberg).


Mazel Tov – Birth: Rabbi Shmuel and Sarah Brody, a son.

Mazel Tov – Engagement: Jeremy Torem, son of Rabbi Rob and Jocelyn Torem, to Jennifer Libo, daughter of David Libo and Miriam Libo of Los Angeles, CA.

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