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Summer Kollels: The Seattle Kollel offers a men’s evening SEED program from July 2-August 14. On those same dates, there will be a morning learning program for boys – grade 2 and up – which includes twice-weekly baseball in the park following the learning, plus a masmid ha’siyum program for boys in grades 3-8… The YU summer kollel at EDOS in Denver, featuring Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman and Rabbi Daniel Rapp, runs from July 1-August 15… Emek Bracha in Palo Alto is hosting a SEED program… Beth Jacob Beverly Hills summer kollel for men and women continues through July 27 with Rabbi Avner Shapiro as the rosh beit medrash.

Shul News: Residents of Sherman Oaks in L.A.’s San Fernando Valley are suing Chabad of North Hollywood to stop the renovations on their shul. Work on the partially built structure has been suspended until the case is settled. The residents say that the proposed 12,000-square-foot building being squeezed onto a 9,568-square-foot parcel zoned for residential use is just too big for the surrounding blocks of single-family homes.



Mazel Tov – Births: Daniel and Chavi Wintner, a daughter, (Grandparents Jacob and Francine Wintner)… Rabbi Matt and Sabrina Rosenberg, a daughter (Grandparents David and Esther Renzer)… Earl and Ali Weinstein, a daughter (Grandparents Dr. Max and Ronit Weinstein)… Yoni and Sara Barzideh, a son (Grandparents Mitch and Karen Parver)… Rabbi Yisroel and Sandy Gordon, a son… Yitzy and Daniella Bendkowski of Lakewood, a daughter (Grandparents Leo and Roz Eschwege)… Matthew and Chelsea Schames, a son (Grandparents Yossi and June Schames; Great-grandparents Esther Schames; Sanford and Hannah Edelman Deutsch)… Moshe and Malka Blitz, a daughter (Grandparents Abe and Eva Tashman Kaplan)… Shua and Malka Pancer, a son (Grandparents Meir and Sara Levin; Rabbi Yisroel and Leiba Kelemer; Great-grandmother Devora Levin)… Bentzy and Adeena Halberstam of Brooklyn, NY, a daughter (Grandparents Joe and Revital Kempe; Great-grandmothers Devorah Levin and Rachel Kempe)… Rabbi Effie and Sara Leah Goldberg, a daughter… Yaakov and Dassi Bess of Israel, a son (Grandparents Rabbi Gershon and Carol Bess)… Nussie and Dena Bitterman of Minneapolis, a son (Grandparents Tommy and Anna Bitterman; Great-grandmother Tobi Bitterman)… Shia and Tova Portowicz of Yerushalayim, a daughter (Grandparents Rabbi Chaim and Leah Tatel).

Mazel Tov – Bas Mitzvahs: Hadas Hirt, daughter of Dr. Darrin and Laurie Hirt… Emily Schoen, daughter of Jonathan and Brigitte Schoen.

Mazel Tov – Weddings: Lauren Berger, daughter of Mark and Rachelle Berger, to Daniel Parker, son of Ira and Sharon Parker… Chani Mirman, daughter of Dr. Julian and Linda Mirman, to Moshe Torgow of Detroit, MI… Ruchi Dear, daughter of Rabbi Moshe and Sara Lea Dear, to Ephraim Sternberg of Bayswater, NY… Ilan Graff, son of Dr. Gil and Robin Graff, to Veronica Rotemberg of Boston… Michael Pollack, son of Marty and Evey Pollack, to Talia Swergold of Woodmere, NY.

Congratulations: Bryna Kranzler on winning the 2012 International Book Award for Historical Biography and the Best Historical Biography for The Accidental Anarchist.

Graduation:Moorpark College – Brian Kaplun.


Mazel Tov – Births: Andrew and Carolyn Nash, a daughter (Grandparents Carl and Sharon Nash)… David and Tzipporah Wallach of NJ, a son (Grandparents Marshall and Judy Wallach).


Mazel Tov – Birth: Shimon and Channi Laber of Bal Harbour, FL, a son (Grandparents Rabbi Yankel and Rochel Kreiman).


Mazel Tov – Birth: Levi and Ella Potash, a son.


Mazel Tov – Birth: Levi and Ella Potash, a son (Grandparents Rabbi Yoseph and Devorah Loschak).


Mazel Tov – Births: Shmulik and Tzippy Friedman, a son… Richard and Tanya Solomon, a son.

Mazel Tov – Engagement: Joey Eckstein to Michal Cohen.


Mazel Tov – Births: Tzvi and Lillian Haber, a daughter… Avi and Rachel Niman, a daughter (Grandparents Tzvi and Jennifer Niman; Rabbi Ronald and Beth Jawary).

Mazel Tov – Engagement: Sarah Maza, daughter of Rabbi Yisrael and Laki Maza, to Sammy Lemann of St. Louis, MO.

Mazel Tov – Weddings: Gideon Shiffman, son of Michael and Xianna Shiffman, to Jennifer Endzweig of Rosalyn Heights, NY… Jerry Burg to Jackie Jaffe.


Mazel Tov – Birth: Avi and Sara Fried of Brooklyn, a son (Grandparents Yossi and Agi Fried).

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