Photo Credit: Smach Zevulun

We all aspire to acquire knowledge and engage in Torah learning. While setting aside time for daily Torah study is a mitzvah, various challenges such as a lack of knowledge, demanding work schedules, and family responsibilities can make this task difficult for some individuals. How then can one fulfill their commitment to learning when faced with such obstacles?

According to the Shulchan Aruch, even those who are unable to personally engage in Torah study can still fulfill their obligation by supporting others who dedicate themselves to learning. The Rama adds that by doing so, it is considered as if the supporter is actively participating in the learning process. This concept draws inspiration from the blessing that Yaakov Avinu bestowed upon Yissachar and Zevulun on his deathbed, forming a unique partnership between the two brothers. In this arrangement, one brother ventures into trade and prosperity while concurrently supporting the other in his pursuit of learning. The essence of this learner-earner partnership lies in the unity of the two brothers as they both reap the rewards.


The concept of a Yissachar-Zevulun partnership may have its roots in biblical times, but in today’s world, the challenge lies in identifying the right Torah match. How does one find a suitable talmid chacham to sponsor, and how can they ensure that this partnership is taken seriously, with the funds invested judiciously?

Addressing these concerns, venture capitalist Jordan Odinsky conceived the idea of Smach Zevulun, an organization that facilitates these unique partnerships. Through a customized and personal database, the organization carefully pairs U.S. businessmen, lawyers, doctors, accountants, and other professionals with prestigious talmidei chachamim in Israel. This innovative approach aims to ensure a thoughtful and individualized connection, fostering a meaningful bond between the sponsor and the scholar.

The organization not only streamlines the process of finding the right match but also addresses concerns about the legitimacy and commitment of the sponsored talmid chacham. By leveraging a personalized database and a meticulous pairing process, Smach Zevulun establishes a trustworthy process for both parties involved. As a result, a lifetime bond of friendship is cultivated, with each participant benefiting from the unique gifts and contributions they provide to one another.

This is exactly what happened to Eitan (not his real name), a baal teshuvah and an older single, who found himself in a transformative situation through a Yissachar-Zevulun partnership. At the recommendation of his Aish HaTorah rav, he embarked on this unique journey as a zechus to find his zivug. Astonishingly, just two weeks after signing the contract, Eitan went on a date – his first in a while – and within a few short months, he was happily married. Grateful for the profound blessing that unfolded in his life, Eitan eagerly renewed the partnership for a second year, this time as a blissful newlywed.

Odinsky, a proficient technology investor with successful ventures in the U.S. and Israel, possesses a nuanced understanding of the rate of return, a concept integral to Smach Zevulun’s operation. The organization functions on a simple principle: Invest a little and receive abundantly in return. Two impactful stories which occurred around the same time spurred Odinsky to create this organization.

In the first story, Odinsky’s close friend and fellow venture capitalist, following the guidance of his rav in Michigan, entered into a Yissachar-Zevulun partnership. After thoughtful deliberation with his wife, they chose to sponsor a local avreich. Remarkably, just 12 hours after signing the shtar (contract), he received news that one of his earliest investments was being acquired by PayPal.

Later on, while conversing with a neighbor about the remarkable talmidei chachamim in their community, Odinsky realized that his neighbor, who was instrumental in founding the tzedakah organization Kupat Givat HaMivatar, would be able to facilitate a partnership for him. As a result, Odinsky and his wife decided to enter into a partnership with an outstanding rosh kollel in Yerushalayim and his family. Inspired by this experience, Odinsky conceived the idea to transform such partnerships into an organized effort, leading to the creation of Smach Zevulun.

Smach Zevulun operates as more than just a random pairing service for talmidei Torah and sponsors. Described as a concierge-level service, the organization meticulously matches the right learner with the right earner. Odinsky emphasizes the significance of this process, stating that Smach Zevulun not only vets each partner but aims to establish a genuine partnership rather than a mere transaction. Applicants have the flexibility to request a specific talmid chacham to sponsor based on various criteria, including budget, location, age, ability to form a strong relationship, seder limud (learning schedule), and more.

The partnership is formalized through a halachic contract based on the shtar of the Chazon Ish. Well-known gedolim and poskim, such as Rav Avigdor Nebenzehal, Rav Shimon Galai, and Rav Shraga Shteinman, guide Smach Zevulun to ensure the highest standard of authentic Yissachar-Zevulun partnerships. Partnerships start at $1500/month, with many exceeding $2000/month, depending on the Zevulun’s preferences.

To ensure the legitimacy of the talmidei chachamim, Smach Zevulun conducts thorough vetting. The organization selects individuals who have been learning full-time for a minimum of five years, are married with children, and have their daily learning and financial situations carefully scrutinized. Referrals from roshei kollel and community rabbanim further validate their credibility.

Smach Zevulun operates with complete transparency. Odinsky asserts that the organization does not use any partnership funds for its own operations. Every dollar contributed goes directly to the supported talmidei chachamim, with only bank fees for transferring funds deducted.

Beyond the financial aspect, he emphasizes the personal connections formed through these partnerships. The organization encourages regular communication and facilitates in-person meetings between partners. Learners and earners often become friends, forging lifelong bonds. Odinsky shares a touching story where a Zevulun discovered that his Yissachar’s father-in-law had played a crucial role in being mekarev the Zevulun’s in-laws decades ago.

Since its launch in September 2022 with six partnerships, Smach Zevulun has experienced rapid growth. In just 16 months, it has expanded to 100-plus partnerships, generating a combined annual support exceeding $1,600,000 for the Yissachars. The organization aims to continue fostering meaningful connections, blessing families daily, and supporting Torah study through its unique Yissachar-Zevulun partnerships.

If you would like to undertake this special zechus for your family, visit, email [email protected], or call via WhatsApp (516) 699-2095 to learn more and get started.


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Ita Yankovich is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in various Jewish and secular publications. She also teaches English and Literature at Kingsborough College and Touro College. She can be reached at [email protected].