Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Lately, my three-year-old daughter has become scared of insects. No matter what type of insect she sees, she calls it a “bee.” She yells, “Bee! Mommy! Go away, bee!” I think of how when she was younger, she didn’t even notice insects. Now, she does, but she doesn’t call them by the right name. G-d willing, soon enough, she will know all the names of the insects.

Children grow up so quickly. Just a minute ago, my three-year-old was a newborn baby. Now, I have two daughters. Watching them grow and change is the most fascinating thing to witness. Life with young children is incredibly hectic, but also deeply meaningful and outrageously fun. I laugh now more than I ever have in my life. And I love it when my daughters learn something new; seeing that spark in their eyes when they understand a new concept is priceless.


I know that this time will fly by. So, while I’m here, I’m going to savor every single moment of it… bees and all.


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Kylie Ora Lobell is a writer and the president of KOL Digital Marketing, a marketing and PR firm for Jewish organizations, authors, and influencers.