Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Being fleishig is one of the biggest fears many Orthodox Jews have. Beyond it being that you’re making a decision now that will impact you for the next 3-6 hours, it’s something your future self will hate you for, which is ironically also something that happens when many Jews eat dairy too.

Deciding to be fleishig is a tough commitment to make. And it’s pretty similar to the same fear of commitment that many people have (and often more so guys) when it comes to dating. They love meat, but they’re scared that as soon as they eat a steak, maybe a pizza will just drop out of the sky. The term FOMO isn’t just “fear of missing out” it also stands for “fear of milchig opportunities.”


I have to think that if you’re someone with Dutch heritage, the fact that you wait only an hour between milk and meat has got to be at the top of your dating profile. “You don’t want someone that’s tall, dark, and handsome. You want someone that’s short, pale, and almost milchig.”


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Eli Lebowicz is a standup comedian. He did 90+ virtual shows during Covid, and is thrilled to perform live again, without having to stare at nostrils through a webcam. He’s a Levi, but doesn’t sing or play instruments, so in the Beis HaMikdash, he’ll probably be the guy taking temperatures. To book Eli for a comedy gig, visit