Photo Credit: Jewish Press

These days, we’re all about efficiency. Building the ideal schedules for optimal productivity has become such a big deal. Most successful entrepreneurs have some really involved (early) morning routine as part of their schedule. Over the years, looking at these schedules, I have found activities such as meditation, gratitude journaling, “morning pages,” and exercise to be most common in these morning routines.

Traditionally, in Judaism, when one wakes in the morning, they put their hands together above their heart and say:


Modeh ani lefanecha melech chai vekayam shehechezarta be nishmati bechemla; rabba emunatecha – I give thanks unto You, O living and eternal King, for having restored within me my soul, with mercy; great is Your trust.”

Here we see that we start the day immediately with gratitude to G-d for restoring our soul to our body and a mini meditation recognizing that there is yet more for us to accomplish, as G-d saw that the world was still incomplete without our contributions and presence. What a wonderful and relieving start to the day. Try adding this to your morning routine and note how your day goes.


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Maayan Zik, is an Orthodox Jewish Jamaican-American social activist. She has co-founded organizations such as Ker a Velt and Kamochah, which further her work in social justice and racial equity.