Photo Credit: Jewish Press

The word Ram of course brings to mind the ram of Akeidat Yitzchak, which Avraham Avinu saw caught in the thicket after he was told not to sacrifice Yitzchak. The ram was carefully placed there by Hashem to be available for Avraham at that moment, and according to some sources in Chazal it was set aside from the time of Creation itself for this purpose. It is worthwhile to reflect on how often in our own lives the right individuals are placed in our paths, and what we think of as natural networking is actually a form of heavenly help, like a shidduch or job acquired through someone we have just met casually, or at times, through an old friend.

Recently, someone I know was suffering from medical ailments. After running to different doctors and therapists to no avail, a recommendation was made for a medical expert who had been their acquaintance for many years, but they were unaware of his expertise. This doctor was there in the thicket, so-to-speak, waiting to help and he successfully diagnosed and treated their condition.


They say Hashem provides the cure before the disease; sometimes, like Avraham Avinu, we need only open our eyes and acknowledge how Hashem has placed those who can help us within our midst.


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Dr. Chaya Sima Koenigsberg is an assistant professor of Judaic studies at Lander College for Women/The Anna Ruth and Mark Hasten School.