Photo Credit: Jewish Press

While Jewish philosophy and mysticism certainly have a lot to say about the concept of ruach (the esoteric spirit), honestly the first thing that comes to mind with the prompt “ruach” is the childhood chant, “We’ve got ruach yes we do – we’ve got ruach how about you?”

Each bunk or class would take turns reciting this cheer, at ever-higher volumes, to demonstrate their superior team spirit. This undoubtedly led to the loss of one’s voice, the true badge of honor of a well-spent summer. As a camper, my husband beat the system and won an award for most enthusiastic singing by gesticulating and making his face red…all while mouthing the words silently. That is what’s called ruach chochma (wisdom).


Speech itself is referred to as ruach. At creation, G-d imbued in Adam a soul of life, which, according to Onkelus, made Adam a ruach mimalila, a speaking spirit. This G-dly spirit gives us the power of intelligent speech that elevates and separates humans from other living creatures.

As even the happiest campers sometimes become cynical and jaded adults, there is benefit in recalling and harnessing the excitement of youth (Yes, we’ve still got ruach!), along with the wisdom to know when to speak and when to be silent.


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Dr. Chaya Sima Koenigsberg is an assistant professor of Judaic studies at Lander College for Women/The Anna Ruth and Mark Hasten School.