Photo Credit: Jewish Press

When I think of shtreimels, I think of the Stella D’oro Swiss Fudge cookies. In my home we called them “shtreimel cookies.” I don’t know if we were unique in that way, but there is something special about referring to an everyday cookie in such a fashion. I feel it ties in beautifully to what the shtreimel hat itself represents. Which is:

Tradition: It serves as a symbol of adherence to cultural and religious customs passed down through generations.


Connection to heritage: The shtreimel serves as a tangible connection to the rich cultural heritage of Eastern European Jews. By wearing the shtreimel, individuals affirm their identity and connection to their ancestors who also wore similar attire.

Unity: In wearing the shtreimel individuals demonstrate their solidarity with their community and shared traditions. It fosters a sense of unity and belonging among fellow chassidic Jews.

The shtreimel cookie constantly connected my family members to tradition, heritage, and unity. It wasn’t just a cookie anymore. It was a beautiful way of incorporating our Jewish heritage in a mundane tasty way; ever so subtle and that was the exact beauty of it. Now where else and how else can you get so much out of one delicious cookie?!


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Jordana Baruchov or better known as @Drinkitin_Jordana is a Middle school dean by morning... Associate Director of Mentorship for Olami by afternoon and Torah Influencer, motivational speaker, podcaster, Mother and Grandmother by night. Jordana inspires thousands with her positive outlook and everyday life lesson through a Torah lens with her Drink it in videos, Drink it in podcast or simply fun Carpool Reels.