What Do We Do Now?

Maybe we don't have to lose that growth and unity that we have achieved, especially with the situation in Eretz Yisrael right now.

How To Travel With Children

Either bring blankets from home or get from the flight attendants. Bring sweatshirts for added coziness as the blankets are sure to fall off.

Let My People Clean… Again!?!

As you clean, take advantage of the opportunity to de-clutter.

Supermarket Hacks To Trim Your Grocery Budget

Scan those sale circulars either online or when they show up at your doorstep, check out the sale items and plan your menus accordingly.

Cooking Pesach When You Don’t Want To

My husband enjoys cooking when he is home and my kids have been cooking and baking since the age of four.

New Cookbooks Spark Kitchen Creativity

Given the subject matter, it seems appropriate for this cookbook to open with a chapter on food safety since giving your family food poisoning by feeding them spoiled ingredients is definitely something to be avoided.

How To Travel Like A Family And Stay A Family (Part III)

As I mentioned in my earlier articles about our family trip to Israel, our night flight went pretty smooth, thanks to my children’s willingness to sleep throughout the flight. I, on the other hand, didn’t sleep a wink and I wasn’t feeling too great by the time we landed. But we were finally in Israel, and just being in the beautifully renovated Ben Gurion airport and hearing all the Hebrew around us was exciting enough.

The High Holidays

When buying clothing for your children, make sure they want to wear those outfits, and it’s not just you who wants them to wear them.

How To Make Resolutions Into A Habit

There is a long laundry list of personal goals running through my head that I want to work on. I love taking advantage of a celebratory date to select one of these pressing items and promise myself that this time, I really will begin to do whatever it is that will make my life better. Yet, somehow, after the birthday or New Year passes, my fervent declarations are quickly forgotten and I lapse into my old behavior.

How To Travel – Outside Of Israel

This is the very best time to plan a vacation.

How To Get Ready For School!

To some people, the sounds of rustling backpacks and starched uniforms brings feelings of sweet relief; it’s the sound of children going back to school and the household returning to a normal schedule.

How To Give The Gift Of Giving

Perhaps we can teach our children to give, instead of take... to become contributing members of the community.

Preparation: The Key To Surviving Seasonal Allergies

First and foremost, it is helpful to know what you are allergic to so that you can check the pollen counts daily and try to limit your outdoor activity on days that are going to be particularly bad.

How To DIY

Do we really have that much extra money to throw away on substandard products and shoddy service? I think not.

How to Go to Sleep And Stay Asleep

Lest you think that I now have more hours to get things done, this insomnia doesn’t make me more productive.

How To Teach Your Children About Money

I am of the opinion that children’s money belongs to them, and if they want to blow it on junk from the local discount store, that is their prerogative.

How To Make The Most Of Your Winter Vacation

In short, going on vacation is something that we should be doing more often.

Staying Cool During Summer Heat

One summer, I managed to go the entire season without an air conditioner in my bedroom.

How to Stop Procrastinating

Make a list of all the things you must do today, number them in order of how much you detest them, and then do the first one on the list first.

Remembering When

If you have ever tried to organize the different sized roller blades in your garage, you will appreciate the wisdom of the roller skates we had when we were little.

Great Kitchen Stuff

We want the gadgets to do the hard work for us, preferably with minimal cleanup time.

Up Your Summer Cooking Game

There were crispy stuffed baked potatoes and tantalizing veggie burgers to be made and it needed to happen immediately, if not sooner.

Setting Up A Newlywed’s Apartment (Part II)

If either of you already has the basic kitchen, bathroom, and dining necessities, resist the urge to dump everything you have and start all over again.

How to Prepare For School

To help those who dread it, or are neutral towards it, it’s best to fake it till you make it, i.e. act as if we are excited for the upcoming school year, and before you know it, they just might be.

Off You Go!

Having already sent three girls to seminary in the Holy Land, you would think I would be an expert on travel gear and accessories...

Pesach In A Jiffy

First, sit down with your helpers and a pen and paper and break the jobs down into small parts.

Time To Outsource!

The toys, bookcases and drawers in china closet are simple jobs and can be delegated to children. Have them divide the items into keep, throw out and donate.

How To Give The Best Present Ever!

In the true desire to cut down on unnecessary purchases, for myself and for others, I have begun asking people directly what they want as a gift.

How To Avoid Shopping ‘Till You Drop

Who doesn’t want to save money? The siren call of sales lures us all, and few are able to resist stocking up.

The Open Kitchen: Bursting With Flavor

The Open Kitchen is so appealing you practically want to eat the pages as you turn them.


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