Have You Made A Difference In Someone’s Life?
A rose that I picked from our garden to enhance the beauty of our sukkah is so exquisite that visitors remarked that they didn’t realize it was “real” until they noticed the water in the vase.
Salute to Israel Parade, Manhattan
Question: In the wake of the Winograd Report on last summer's Lebanon war, should Prime Minister Olmert resign?
Fun-Sized Answers
Sometimes people ask me questions that have been circulating for a while. That doesn’t mean I don’t have answers, though.
Bergen Beach, Brooklyn
Question: Will Sen. Obama's relationship with Rev. Wright affect your vote?
Great Kosher Restaurants: Elan Kornblum
“Every dish that comes out, eight people take out their phones to take pictures of it,” said Kornblum.
Busy, Busy, Busy
Given those realities, I am embarking on a mission to reclaim my life, adding some order and discipline that will hopefully give me more usable time within my day.
Tallit Tales
To date, Yoram has sold hundreds of tallitot that have been given to hundreds of grooms who have appeared miraculously in the girls’ lives shortly after they bought tallitot there.
In The Dark And Loving It
What is it about the lengthy darkness that calls to me?
Diamonds Are Everyone’s Best Friend
When working with a client, I always ask them what their budget is, and give them the best value for their budget.
Rabbi Shlomo Riskin – An Appreciation
I remember being taken away for surgery on the tenth floor, and not waking up for another two days. Later I was told that Rabbi Riskin sat with my family during the entire surgery.
Shuttling Between Yeshiva And Recording Studio
Zevi Kaufman is not your typical singer/songwriter. While most singers find themselves in and out of the recording studio in the final weeks before the release of their album, Kaufman finds himself in and out of the Beis Medrash at Yerushalayim's Yeshivas Aderes Hatorah, where the 20-year-old Flatbush native is currently learning.
Never Mind Why
I would have to say that one of the most annoying things about having a newspaper advice column, aside from all these people writing to me and asking for advice, is that they frequently don’t tell me WHY they’re asking.
Time To Remember
I do my best to continue what was important to him, and what has become important for me - to count, and to remember.
This Is No Laughing Matter (But We Are In Chodesh Av)
I am not sure how many of you readers have had this experience, but I did and it truly tested the limits of my sanity!
Pre-Pesach Panic
Dear Mordechai,
What should I do for Chol HaMoed?
The Chongloi Family: Formerly Of Neve Dekalim; Now Of Nitzan
The main reason why we came to Eretz Yisrael was because we are Jews, and as such have no place to live in the world other than Eretz Yisrael. My family knew that living in Israel would not be easy and of course our lives would change in every way from the moment we arrived. Therefore, when we were expelled from Gush Katif we knew that everything comes from G-d, and that there is no reason to be angry at the State or at the soldiers that came to expel us.
Modern, Kosher And Tantalizingly Delicious
It’s hard not to be intrigued by recipes with names like Thanksgiving Stuffing Soup, Braised Chicken with Rhubarb Gravy and Vidalia Onion Fritters with Sambal Yogurt Dip.
Question: Should Hillary Clinton run for president in 2008? Would you vote for her?
Kids In The Kitchen: Chanukah
Try these with your kids; there’s something for every age group and once all the recipes are made, dinner will be ready!
Part I: The Beginning
This wasn’t supposed to happen, especially not to me. I could give you all the stats: my great-grandfather learned in Radin with the Chofetz Chaim, my grandfathers learned in Slobodka and Novardik, and my father has smicha from Ner Yisroel in Baltimore. Outside of the brief fantasy (which lasted a lot longer than I care to admit) that I would be the star player who takes the Chicago Bears to the Superbowl, I always saw myself in yeshiva. It is what I had always planned to do, and I never really contemplated anything else
Special Chanukah Parody Edition
Question: How do you celebrate Chanukah?
Post Holocaust Polish Experiences
Is God apologizing for taking away my Father? Is God telling me that He is sorry?