Title: Grandpa for Sale

Authors: Dotti Enderle and

Vicki Sansum

Publisher: Flashlight Press



      Little Lizzy is dusting her mom’s antiques store and Grandpa’s snoozing head when a pink and piqued Mrs. Larchmont strides inside the shop. Seizing a silk pillow, a vase and a lamp she “simply cannot live without,” the woman in rhinestone glasses and wearing very tall hair begins to pay for her purchases and proves she is no lady!


      Mrs. Larchmont cradles a fuzzy poodle, mimicking his owner’s unpleasant facial and personality features, while she pressures Lizzy to name her price for the elderly man sleeping on a Louis XVI settee. Money is apparently no object, as Mrs. Larchmont’s name suggests.


      Dreaming of the adventures she can have with the ever-increasing amounts of money offered for the sale of her grandfather, Lizzy realizes that nothing will be fun without him. She declines the sale of a human being, let alone her relative, and sets the stage for some dynamic discussions between younger readers of this book and the adults around them.

      Illustrated by T. Kyle Gentry, Grandpa for Sale is a simple story with some sophisticated meaning to it, containing amusing puns, sly references and a lot of life lessons.

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Yocheved Golani is the author of highly acclaimed "It's MY Crisis! And I'll Cry If I Need To: EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge" (http://booklocker.com/books/3067.html). It addresses and solves many needs of disabled, ill and recovering readers.