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Tag: San Bernardino

Report: US Anti-Semitism, Hate Crime Up 20% in 2016

'Jews remain the most targeted faith community, both numerically and proportionally, accounting for 11.4% of all hate crime and 53% of all religious hate crime.'

Jewish Man Protects KKK Member from Protester Mob in Anaheim [video]

When faced with violent counter protesters, Ku Klux Klan members abandoned their fellow hate-monger.

Apple Opposes Unlocking Terrorist’s iPhone

Apple is refusing to hack an encryption system on its iPhone 5, even after receiving a court order.

Friend of San Bernardino Terrorists Formally Arrested

A friend of the radical Islamists who committed the San Bernardino massacre was arrested.

Did FBI Miss Red Flags on Terror in 2012?

The San Bernardino shooter planned his first terror attack in 2012. Did the FBI miss that red flag too?

Confused in San Bernardino

After watching CNN coverage of the San Bernardino shootings, I'm very confused.

Motive? Pro-Israel, Conservative Co-Worker Told Farook Islam Not a Peaceful Religion

Wednesday's mass-murderer had recently argued with one of the victims, a pro-Israel conservative, insisting that Islam is a peaceful religion.

Obama Thinks San Bernardino Shootings MAY be Terrorism

Obama thinks the mass shooting in San Bernardino might possibly be terrorism or maybe workplace violence.

San Bernardino Shooters Left Baby at Grandma’s Before Terror Attack

The San Bernardino slaughterers stopped at grandma's to leave their 6-month-old baby before heading out to murder Farook's co-workers.

UPDATE: 14 Dead in Mass Shooting in San Bernardino, CA

At least 20 injured by shooter in San Bernardino, California


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/us-news/report-us-anti-semitism-hate-crime-up-20-in-2016/2017/03/14/

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